
What’s Up?

Fall 2019: A Time of Preparation

Mississippi Watershed-mpls-fall-trees.jpg

Preparation and Planning

The leaves are changing and when you see our crews doing fall cleanups, you know we are at the end of a glorious Minnesota summer!

Trees and Shrubs: Fall’s milder temperatures mean that trees, shrubs, and turf will no longer have heat as a stressor. All plants can put more energy into reinforcing their root systems. This is what make fall a friendly time for tree and shrub planting as well as bulbs and tubers. We are planting deciduous trees now but cannot wait too much longer for coniferous trees since the latter need more time in the ground before soil temperatures drop off. Watering continues to be very important right up until freezing temps make that impossible.

Fall Color: Our crews are installing fall color chrysanthemums, kale, pansies, and grasses. A mix of annuals can be interspersed with perennial grasses to mark the season. Our planters have been amazing this summer - thank you urban care team! They replace a plant here and there with a blaze of orange and yellow, and the planter continues in service until it’s time to install winter color. Again, this is also a time to consider adding native trees and shrubs that are showy and can help to rejuvenate our tree canopy as Emerald Ash Borer takes its toll. River Birch (Betula nigra) is a good example for a tree that spans seasons. It has lovely color from spring through fall and then features gorgeous white, brown and tan bark all peeling from mature trunks during the winter. Redosier dogwood (Cornus sericea) is a shrub native to Minnesota and has colorful red or yellow winter bark that provides striking winter color against a snowy backdrop.

Turf Care: There is NOTHING better or easier to do than fall aeration and overseeding to keep turf in good health. We also do a last round of fertilization in October and - between these two services - grass will be green and vigorous come spring time. Remember - healthy turf reduces the need for pesticides, insecticides and herbicides.

Irrigation: If you have an irrigation system, it’s time to do repairs and winterize it.

Lot Sweeping and Striping: After the leaves are down and clean up is underway, consider a thorough lot sweep followed by striping. Remember that our poly blades on snow plows protect this investment.

Contact us and let us help you prepare your property for winter!

Paulita LaPlante