
What’s Up?

Prescription Landscape Inc COVID-19 Policy Update March 29, 2020

All healthcare providers are heroes

All healthcare providers are heroes

Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-20 guidance regarding COVID-19 unexpectedly changed the designation of critical businesses overnight on March 27, 2020. It is now stated that “lawncare and landscaping workers are not exempted”. This has caused disruption of aspects of Prescription Landscape’s current work plans.

We are appealing this change through Minnesota Landscape Association ( Prescription Landscape serves essential businesses such as hospitals, healthcare facilities, senior living residences, banks, shelters, supply chain providers and others. We expect that there will be modifications to the Executive Order 20-20 as further refinements are made to permit the scope of services offered by commercial landscape companies when those services pertain to property and client safety.

The designation of Construction as an essential service was not changed in the updated Executive Order 20-20, therefore our construction division will continue to operate under COVID-19 CDC, MN Dept of Health and OSHA guidelines.

Please know that this situation continues to evolve so we ask that clients work with their Prescription Landscape representative regarding the latest State of Minnesota updates as well as issues, needs and concerns. We are proud of the actions taken by our state officials as they work to protect all our residents.

We encourage all to stay informed and do the right thing by practicing recommended preventative measures to help stem the spread of virus in our community and our region.

Paulita LaPlante