
What’s Up?

Prescription Landscape Inc COVID-19 Policy Update 7:30PM March 29, 2020

Allium giganteum - A more beautiful starburst global array than we are accustomed to seeing these days

Allium giganteum - A more beautiful starburst global array than we are accustomed to seeing these days

BREAKING NEWS: We want to alert you that we have been given guidance that permits our Landscape and Property Maintenance Service Division to continue to provide safety, sanitation and essential operation services to our Critical Industry Sector clients. Your Prescription Landscape representative will provide more detail as it becomes available.

Understandably, the State of Minnesota Executive Order 20-20 COVID-19 (12:00AM March 27, 2020 through 12:00AM April 10, 2020) guidelines continue to evolve. We need to respect that these are unprecedented times. We continue to support Governor Walz and his team as they evaluate the situation.

As of March 29, 2020, Prescription Landscape has been advised by Minnesota Landscape Association (MNLA) that it may re-open commercial property maintenance services but that it must limit these services to its Critical Industry Sector clients, specifically: hospitals; clinics; banks; select supply chain providers (food, agriculture, specified delivery); senior and assisted living facilities; and, industrial facilities; or, to its clients outside of the Critical Industry if they have an emergency need, e.g. irrigation failures, fallen trees/limbs, and similar.

The services Prescription Landscape will provide to its Critical Industry clients during this term will be limited to those that support safety, sanitation and essential operation. These are: lot sweeping, environmental clean-up (daily property waste issues such as plastic bags, removal of animal feces, removal of leaves/tree limbs/ branches, inspection and trimming of trees with winter-damaged limbs, perishable landscape and plant materials (interior and exterior), and parking lot/sidewalk/curb damage inspection and service.

Although there are numerous other services that Prescription Landscape normally provides during this time period (Mar 27-Apr 10), these are not critical to safety of the facility and will be deferred.

The Governor’s office relayed this response to MNLA’s most recent appeal on “landscaping” during the two week “stay-at-home” order (12:00AM March 27, 2020 through 12:00AM April 10, 2020):

“Landscaping is not generally exempt, unless it is done in service to a critical industry or an emergency need. An example of a critical industry is construction.”

This statement is in direct correlation with CISA guidelines which were updated on March 28, 2020 and now lists landscapers in the following guidance:

Workers such as plumbers, electricians, exterminators, builders, contractors, HVAC Technicians, landscapers, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, businesses and buildings such as hospitals, senior living facilities, any temporary construction required to support COVID-19 response.”

Prescription Landscape will adhere to these guidelines.

Paulita LaPlante