
What’s Up?

Spring Checklists: A Thing So Normal and Nice in Minnesota!

Spring has sprung 04172020.jpg

In these unsettled times, today’s photograph of a typical spring occurrence is cause for giddy and grateful happiness. The plant staging areas in each of our branches are full of spring color. Bees hungry from winter dormancy, are emerging and finding these concentrations of flowers as well as native spring flowers, fall planted bulbs and yes, dandelions, as their first sources of nectar after a nasty mid-April snow and cold snap. Get a lawn chair out in the driveway this week, pour a cuppa hot coffee and read more about Minnesota bees at and Minnesota native plants at

It’s time to dig so we thought we would show you what is on the spring checklist for our wonderful customers.

Spring Color | Parking Lot Sweeping and Striping | Clean-up and Portering Service | Pre-Emergent Weed Control (organic options available) | Spring Turf Aeration and Fertilization (organic options available) | Mulch Refresh | Tree/Shrub Pruning | Irrigation Start-Up and Repair | Sod-Seed Repair of Winter Damage | General Exterior Maintenance and Repair (Re-lamp, Cleaning, and Other) | Rooftop Garden and Amenity Deck Clean-up and Open-up | Curb, Sidewalk, Parking Lot Repair | Urban Dog Run | Construction | Design

The week ahead will be dry and warm so we will be getting out into our own gardens to clean up debris, put in fresh soil, mix in compost and refresh mulch paths to permit easy access for planting, weeding and harvesting.

Please patronize your neighborhood garden, feed and equipment supply stores. They need your support and are ready to serve! #Inthistogether

Paulita LaPlante