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COVID-19 Update Executive Order 20-33 April 8, 2020

COVID-19 Policies and Safety Instructions: English and Spanish

COVID-19 Policies and Safety Instructions: English and Spanish

Today’s briefing by Minnesota’s Governor Walz provided an update to Critical Sector operation and CISA guidelines. The update is available at this link

“Lawncare and Landscaping Workers” were added to the list of critical workers under the Food and Agriculture sector. This is good news for the maintenance of the safe and sanitary conditions for everyone that uses landscape industry service providers. The previous limitation of services was prudent just as this update is logical. The Stay-At-Home order remains in place until May 4 and, more importantly, all the safety precautions must remain in place so that Minnesotans continue to make progress. If anything, this is a call to maintain a high state of vigilance to assure that our clients, partners, vendors and employees remain safe and healthy.

We are grateful to our staff and their continued dedication during this time. We support them in English and in Spanish. We respect their concerns since their continued health and success is the single most important inspiration in all that we do.

Paulita LaPlante